
Programme website
Study plan 24-25 and master's thesis: when, how, why...

The Study Plan for the academic year 2024-2025 will be presented from 1 to 28 February 2025: come to the meeting on 30 January 2025, at 11.30 am in the CK room (Department of Chemistry) to receive all the information necessary to best complete this fundamental fulfillment. On this occasion we will also talk about the Master's Thesis Laboratory.

Master's thesis topics

Here you can consult the thesis topics available in the Chemistry Department. To find out more and agree on your thesis, contact the proposing professors.


Preliminary calendar for exam sessions a.y. 2024-2025

Here it is possible to consult the preliminary calendar of exam sessions for the academic year. 2024-2025 of all chemical degree courses http://tiny.cc/app_25

Hygiene kits available on campus

The University of Milan offers the entire university community hygiene and first-aid products, such as band-aids, sanitary pads, disinfectant and sterile dressings. These products are given out for free on a need basis, upon request.

Programme quality
Find out what it is and how to participate

Students and teachers participate in programme quality policies through regular monitoring and assessment activities based on indicators provided by the Ministry of Education (MIUR).

As Quality Assurance policies and procedures are student-centred. Inline with this the University has provided a training course divided into 4 modules for the students of the University.

Main Department
Department of Chemistry
Via Golgi 19 - 20133 Milano (MI)